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4 résultats
Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans le graphe en utilisant les touches fléchées.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Mar13717Feb765431Jan2928211716151210713Dec326Nov2519129518Oct16151312125Sep201713109329Aug282710Jul25Jun131224May1514131211103226Apr22Improved placement of the AI assistant scrollbarbarabaraImproved AIOpenAI -> Mistral (diférent élève / prof)Historique des messages avec le chatbot, amélioration de l'affichage des messagesBigger sidebarFirst demo0.5.15mainmainAjout de la fonction onHide dans le CloneDialog pour fermer le dialogue après l'ouverture d'un nouvel onglet.0.5.14Cloning button when in preview mode and not opened in iframeReadded eslint, package updates, target ES2020 instead of ESNextAdded error when can't load activity0.5.13Improved attached files preview0.5.12Fixed not showing warning message when quitting before savingAdd GNU License0.5.11Fixed minimum width for no reason0.5.10Only warn before unload if is dirtyReapply "Allowing save even if not dirty"0.5.9Revert "Allowing save even if not dirty"0.5.8Allowing save even if not dirty0.5.7Fix can't save if save button hidden0.5.6Prevent leaving only if able to save0.5.5Forbidden save button, checks save is allowed when doing Ctrl + SMore refactoringSmall refactor + add hasEvaluationTableUpdated ActivityJS (3.1.14)"Rendre" button made smallFixed missing returnFixedDisplay only student name if list of students did not load0.5.4
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