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Jean-Leon Henry's avatar
Remi Angot's avatar
deleted branch EE_canTEC2-01 at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
pushed to branch main at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
a accepté merge request !3766 "fix canTEC2-01 #7860" at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
deleted branch Guillaume-2N61-2-1 at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
pushed to branch main at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
a accepté merge request !3765 "fix: #7862 Erreur dans la correction de 2N61-2" at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
deleted branch EE_2S11-2 at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
pushed to branch main at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
a accepté merge request !3764 "fix : 2S11-2 #7861" at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
deleted branch EE_2N61-2 at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
pushed to branch main at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
a accepté merge request !3763 "feat 2N61-2 : Coloration Correction + Points finaux" at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
deleted branch EE_3F12-4 at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
pushed to branch main at coopmaths / mathalea
Remi Angot's avatar
a accepté merge request !3762 "fix : 3F12-4 images "respectives"" at coopmaths / mathalea
Eric Elter's avatar
a fermé issue #7852 "1AL12-20 : problème correction" at coopmaths / mathalea
Eric Elter's avatar
commented on issue #7854 "Améliorer les arbres de probabilités" at coopmaths / mathalea

En l'état actuel, ce que tu demandes est impossible. Car il faudrait mettre du remplisLesBlancs dans du mathAlea2D et ce n'est actuellement pas pos...

Eric Elter's avatar
a fermé issue #7860 "manque consigne énoncé" at coopmaths / mathalea
Eric Elter's avatar
commented on issue #7860 "manque consigne énoncé" at coopmaths / mathalea
