- juil. 21, 2015
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
remove 'name' arg from file_exists docstring
Min RK a rédigé
Env variables for server root & URL in terminals
Min RK a rédigé
Only path is used, not separate name, path.
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
This came up on reddit: if you want to open a notebook or a file in the text editor from the terminal inside the notebook web interface, you can construct a URL to open. But to do that accurately, you need to know the root directory where the server is looking, and the first part of the URL. This exposes both of those as environment variables: $JUPYTER_SERVER_ROOT and $JUPYTER_SERVER_URL.
- juil. 20, 2015
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Store frontend config in nbconfig/ subdirectory
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
Closes gh-211
- juil. 19, 2015
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Don't uglify js
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
ipykernel no longer has requirements.txt
- juil. 15, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
Rough draft of documentation for the notebook REST API for kernels, kernel specs, and sessions
Min RK a rédigé
fix url for custom.css
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Revert custom themes
- juil. 14, 2015
- juil. 13, 2015
Niole Nelson a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
Use default theme
Min RK a rédigé
step-forward button
Sylvain Corlay a rédigé
Sylvain Corlay a rédigé
- juil. 12, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
served from .jupyter/custom
Min RK a rédigé
Add less config for themes and apply throughout
Min RK a rédigé
Display HTML in pager if supplied
Min RK a rédigé
include version in --version output
Min RK a rédigé
It seems to cause problems, and we care a lot more about request count than minimizing bytes.
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
This is still an interim measure until the generic 'put a mimebundle on the page' machinery can easily be used here.
Min RK a rédigé
Fix front-end extension loading
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
- juil. 11, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
Jonathan Frederic a rédigé
- juil. 09, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
protects agains CSRF on POST endpoints via forms.
- juil. 08, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
updated keyboard.js to throw errors instead of strings.
- juil. 07, 2015
Niole Nelson a rédigé
Niole Nelson a rédigé
- juil. 04, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
Properly render newlines etc. in raw_input() prompt
- juil. 03, 2015
Frederik Hermans a rédigé
Also do not explicitly set monospace font in raw_container_input, because that the container's width to be inconsistent with the (later) output div's width.
Frederik Hermans a rédigé
Also, the input tag becomes a child of the pre tag.