- mai 23, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
and add a few clarifying comments
- mai 22, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
ensures minified js is installed
Min RK a rédigé
start slowest first
Min RK a rédigé
exports login_main and logout_main
Min RK a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
- build-main.js is a separate file, spawned with process.fork to allow parallel builds - gulp js builds main.min.js for each js application
- mai 21, 2015
Kyle Kelley a rédigé
update Dockerfile
Min RK a rédigé
with new current repo layout
- mai 15, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
re-enable highlighting for ipython kernel
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Default mode is now `text` and not ipython. so the `ipython` mode was not dispatched.
- mai 14, 2015
- mai 13, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
Fix list_running_servers when runtime dir not created
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
I ran into this now that we actually use $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, because it's cleared on restart.
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Closes (once backported) #EntropyOrg/p5-Devel-IPerl#40 and jupyter/notebook#88
- mai 12, 2015
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
don't list profiles in nonexistent directories
Min RK a rédigé
- mai 11, 2015
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Remove git submodule utility functions
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
We no longer use submodules
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
data_dir is not .ipython/kernel anymore.
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
- mai 10, 2015
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
On OSX, items ~/Library/Jupyter/ which screw up where things find kernels and anyway is already at the beginning of the search paths lists.
- mai 09, 2015
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
disable clean-css restructuring
- mai 08, 2015
Min RK a rédigé
this is a buggy optimization that breaks some css
Min RK a rédigé
replace jupyter_nbformat by nbformat
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Also replace the `import nbformat as nbformat` by `import nbformat` and change the name of the installed egg.
Matthias Bussonnier a rédigé
Set contentType to JSON when sending session models
Min RK a rédigé
ipython_kernel is ipykernel
Min RK a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé
allow OPTIONS requests for api endpoints (to enable CORS)
Thomas Kluyver a rédigé
Min RK a rédigé