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Valider e75f1732 rédigé par Vincent-Xavier Jumel's avatar Vincent-Xavier Jumel :hammer_pick:
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Mise à jour du fichier .latexmkrc

parent 2a9061d9
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Pipeline #174 en échec
#add_cus_dep('pytxcode', 'tex', 0, 'pythontex');
#sub pythontex {
#return system("pythontex3 \"$_[0]\"") ;
@default_excluded_files = ('*body*') ;
# Support for pythontex in v. 0.16 or higher, with latexmk 4.62 or higher
# What these definitions provide/do:
# 1. Variable specifying command string for invoking pythontex
# 2. Addition to %extra_rule_spec of template for pythontex rule. This
# tells latexmkrc to create the rule when it is initializing for
# processing a TeX file.
# 3. A subroutine mypythontex that the pythontex rule is defined to
# call. This runs pythontex and then sets dependency information.
# 4. Settings for the files generated by the pythontex package and the
# pythontex program so that the files are deleted in a clean-up
# operation.
$clean_ext .= " pythontex-files-%R/* pythontex-files-%R";
push @generated_exts, 'pytxcode';
$pythontex = 'pythontex --interpreter python:/usr/bin/python3 %O %S';
$extra_rule_spec{'pythontex'} = [ 'internal', '', 'mypythontex', "%Y%R.pytxcode", "%Ypythontex-files-%R/%R.pytxmcr", "%R", 1 ];
sub mypythontex {
my $result_dir = $aux_dir1."pythontex-files-$$Pbase";
my $ret = Run_subst( $pythontex, 2 );
rdb_add_generated( glob "$result_dir/*" );
my $fh = new FileHandle $$Pdest, "r";
if ($fh) {
while (<$fh>) {
if ( /^%PythonTeX dependency:\s+'([^']+)';/ ) {
print "Found pythontex dependency '$1'\n";
rdb_ensure_file( $rule, $aux_dir1.$1 );
undef $fh;
else {
warn "mypythontex: I could not read '$$Pdest'\n",
" to check dependencies\n";
return $ret;
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